Membership runs from 8/1 until 7/31
*Limit 3 coaches per team. Use correct US Amateur Team ID number.
Watch the Concussion Video
Everyone must apply first.
Background checks and Badge. There are 3 steps to complete the process. After each step you will receive notification or be directed to the next. Only 3 coaches per team permitted.
Easy as 1,2,3. Be sure to complete all 3 steps. We are ACA -American Coaches Association. (NOT American Coaches Organization)
- Apply and Pay. (Once. If you think it didn’t go through, email us) You will be directed to Sterling Volunteers. *If you pay a second time, full payment will not be refunded. Credit card fees, etc, will be deducted. We are trying not to raise our rates. Please do your part. Pay one time. If you have a question, email us at We can email a link for the background and instructions for the badge. During season, email is checked even after hours.
- Run your background (if you don’t get the link, email us. DO NOT pay again.)
- After your background is complete, get your ID123 Badge – directions are sent to you upon approval of your background. Must take a photo for identification. No hat or sunglasses or part of face/head cut off.
- Check your spam/junk folder for communications
Email anytime, or call during business hours for assistance.
- MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Duplicate payments may be non-refundable. Do NOT pay more than once. Three (3) coaches per team are permitted.
Need to know?
Check your email for communications. (Check your spam/junk folder)
Or continue reading for complete directions.
1. Click the link. Pay. When payment is complete it will take you to Sterling for your background.
2. Create an account with Sterling. If you coach for another organization that uses Sterling, use that log in and share your background with us. If you have a current Sterling Background, log in and share your background with us.

Information needed:
US Amateur Team name
Team ID# Click here if you do not have your Team ID#
*Use the same email address for application, background and badge.
Felonies/Misdemeanors: If you have a felony against you, an appeal is required. Age of felony does not matter. Appeal process. Most misdemeanors are approved. Violent misdemeanors may require a letter of appeal.
ID 123 Badge:
Photos must be clear, light enough to see your face, and close up. NO Hats or anything that covers your face please! No group photos. This is an ID. Please treat it as if it were your driver’s license or passport photo. If your badge is denied check email (spam folder too).
ID 123 Denied?
a. Did you apply and pay? If yes,
b. Is your background complete and approved? If yes,
c. Is your first and last name on the badge? Is your team name on the badge? Is your photo clear? Light enough to see your face? Are you wearing a hat? Did you cut off part of your head? Check your email. A message is sent with the denial. Check your spam folder. We email you why.
All contact is via email. Please be sure to enter your name and email exactly as it was done on your background. An incorrect email will cause delays.
FAQ has common questions about ID123 Badge–One badge per coach.
If you have a question about this process, call our office 813-414-3532 between 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. or email us and we will reply as soon as possible.
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Multiple payments will not be refunded in full. Please do not pay more than one time.
Contact us | 813-414-3532 | |